The America First – Arizona First candidate running for the rural district of Arizona LD-7 in 2024!

Steve Slaton Stands With President Trump

Endorsed By AZ Senator Wendy Rogers (LD-7) ✓

Endorsed by EFI Director
Mark Finchem ✓
A Fog, a War and a Candidate
The Navajo County Republican Party has issued a letter asking Steve Slaton, a candidate for Legislative District…
Steve Slaton Endorsed By Mark Finchem
Steve Slaton is proud to have received the endorsement for Arizona House of election integrity…
Steve Slaton Speaks Out On Protecting Arizona Energy
Steve Slaton, candidate for Arizona House in Legislative District 7, speaks out against a New…
Steve Slaton Video Remarks After Defeating Walt Blackman In Court
BREAKING: Walt Blackman attempted to appeal a case against me he had already lost in…
Steve Slaton on the Jeff Oravits Show (1/16/2024)
Steve Slaton, candidate for Arizona House in LD-7, talks with Jeff Oravits about the biggest…
Citing Lack of Evidence, Judge Rules in Favor Of Slaton
After a contentious battle, owner of the Trumped Store in Show Low and aspiring political…