
Put America First: Steve Slaton will always put America First, including American economic interests and sovereignty, so that our nation is strong and prosperous.
Secure the Border: Steve will fight to secure our borders, finish the wall, and uphold the rule of law.
Stop the Illegals: Steve will take decisive action to stop illegal immigration and defend our nation’s borders.
Stop Voter Fraud: Steve is dedicated to ensuring election integrity by putting in place strong legislation to prevent voter fraud and safeguard our right to vote from cheating – including same day voting, paper ballots, and local vote-counting.
Expand Oil, Gas & Coal: Steve supports expanding oil, gas, and coal production to create jobs, lower energy costs, and strengthen our energy independence.
Defend the 2nd Amendment: Steve will staunchly defend our Second Amendment rights, making sure that Arizonans can always exercise their 2nd Amendment rights and protect themselves and their families.
Support our Veterans & Police: Steve stands with our veterans and police, and will make sure that our law enforcement and veterans get the support they need and respect they deserve.
Stand with Parents: Steve believes in empowering parents to have a say in their children’s education and ensuring that family values are upheld in our schools, including eliminating CRT and SEL from the curriculum.
Protect Women’s Sports: Steve will fight to protect the integrity of women’s sports and ensure fair competition for female athletes.

Additional Priorities

Outlaw Mandatory Vaccines
Fix Arizona’s Public Schools
Implement Merit-based Pay Scaling for Teachers
PTOs Elect School Principals
Pass the Defend the Guard Act: Require Declaration of War to Mobilize Arizona National Guard Overseas
Back the Blue: Ban “Defunding” of Police Departments and Incentivize Strong Law Enforcement
Take Care of Arizona’s Veterans, Including Mental Health
Ban ESG-Based Investment Discrimination
Ban State Investment Funds from Going to China or ESG Companies
Reform Local Government
Pass a Resolution Directing Arizona’s Congressional Delegation to Remove the Reservation Act of 1880
Re-Introduce the Sitgreaves County Project for Navajo County and Apache County
Prohibit “15-Minute Cities” (Mandatory Urban-Type Development)
Protect Our Communities
Minimum Sentencing for Serious Crime, including Child Molestation, Rape, False Claims, Home Invasions, and Mortgage Fraud
Re-Institutionalize Arizona Rangers, under ARS-26-174 (State Guard to guard the border along with volunteers)
Arrest NGOs for Human Trafficking
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